Friday, April 17, 2009

Summary of this Class

I have really enjoyed this class. The information presented was in a way that I could immediately take what I learned and apply it to my work. I really love the Learning 2.0 format and if any other topic comes up that is taught in this way I would like to participate.

There is one thing that I would have liked to have learned about that I know nothing on and that is the use of gaming as it impacts libraries. I know that seems to be a hot topic and there are even jobs for librarians that revolve around gaming. It seems to be a growing trend in the industry right now and would be something that would be useful to learn about.

While I have been blogging for awhile, this course has forced me to take my blogs to the next level, which actually have been great! I am now adding tags, and can also add photos and videos and I feel comfortable doing so. I also have an iGoogle account that I check everyday for my RSS feeds. I am also starting to collaborate with other librarians, not just from my library but other libraries as well as IT people on new technologies and how to incorporate them into the library. I came into this class expecting to learn new things, but I didn't realize how much it really would impact my job and the decisions that I make for the future. These technologies are something that I know I will continue to use in the future and hopefully will expand upon.

Thank you to our leaders for facilitating this learning process. It has been a very positive experience and I would recommend it to anyone.

My Thoughts on Library 2.0

My first introduction to Library 2.0 ideas was at the Computers in Libraries Conference in 2007. I had realized that I had become very complacent with my job as a librarian and not really aware of the changes taking place in the library world around me. Since that time I have done what I can to learn all about Library 2.0 technologies and ideas and to integrate them into my daily work.

To me Library 2.0 is not just about the technology that is being used, but it really is an idea and mindset. The idea is that of a social world. Library users are no longer wanting just a brick building where they can come and sit at a desk by themselves to study in a quiet area. Library users want a place, virtual or real, where they can come and collaborate with others to learn. They want a true social space. This is what the aspects of Library 2.0 can provide.

What I think is more important than just integrating these tools, is first changing our mindset. Librarians, especially ones that have been in the business since the time of card catalogs - which I might add really wasn't that long ago - are having problems letting go of how libraries once were. We need to stop thinking of libraries as a place for the single user, but as a place for group study and learning. We need to also think of the library as more than just a brick building, but also a virtual world that users can access at any time and any place. We need to be aware of what our users are asking for, when they are asking for it, and how they are asking for it and doing what we can to comply. All of these ideas stem from the Library 2.0 technologies.

I am hoping to incorporate some of these ideas into my library, and in fact have already started. I am very lucky to work for a Library Dean that is forward thinking. I feel that if we all work together we can build the library of the future.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I have been delaying the blog about this because of some technical issues that I have had with my computer. I am actually having trouble accessing podcasts. I was able to download iTunes and I was able to search the podcast directory, but I have not been able to download any podcasts to watch. What I did see however I was impressed with. On a personal note I would love to be able to access the Etsy podcasts which has information on crafts.

I would actually love to use podcasts for tutorials for students doing research. There are times where I have to work irregular hours and I am not always available for the students. Also I am the only librarian and the only full-time person so if I am gone the students do not have another resource. Podcasts would be the ideal item for students to access to have something to help them while they are doing research.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I have used YouTube in the past, but mainly just for personal use. I didn't realize how many lectures that there are and it made me realize that I could post tutorials for my students on YouTube for them to watch. This would allow them to access these tutorials no matter where they were. One of my favorite videos you can find on YouTube is A Librarian's 2.0 Manifesto. I first saw this at the Computers in Libraries conference in 2007 and thought it was wonderful. You can see it here.

Just for fun here is a link to another YouTube video. It is a classic Sesame Street video where Cookie Monster asks for cookies from the librarian. The funny part is that I have dealt with patrons like this.

I do think that using YouTube can be a great learning tool, unfortunately it can also be misused like anything else.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Online Productivity Tools

I have to admit that I am pretty impressed by the online productivity tools that are available. At work we are currently using Google Docs for scheduling classrooms as well as setting up meeting times, etc. I signed up for a Zoho account and I am looking forward to playing around with all the services and features that are available. I love the fact that my documents can be accessed from any computer, and I don't have to buy updates to software. My husband and I are currently looking into purchasing a new computer and I did not want to have to purchase the Office Suite since it can be expensive. Well with these tools I don't have to.

I compared Google Docs and Zoho with each other and I love the functionality of Zoho. Both of these are user friendly, but I felt like Zoho had more features available.

I also signed up for 30 Boxes and put in some of my families birthdays. I am not sure if I would actually use this application, but it is a nice thought to have a calendar that you can share with others.

There is some concern about privacy, but it seems like that is the case with anything on the internet these days. I don't really know if it is cause for major concern, or if I am just naive, but for some reason it doesn't bother me. You don't have to make your files public, and you can share them only with those you want. I feel that there is the same risk with these types of tools as with anything else that is available via the net.

I am really looking forward to using these tools more in the future for not only personal use, but also for work.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


C Major
Originally uploaded by Christopher Nichols
I have had a Flikr account for a couple of years now and my first intent was to have it to share photos with my family that lives far away. The photo that I am blogging about is actually one of my friend's photos who is a budding photographer. I think that he has a real talent when it comes to photography and I was lucky enough to have him be the photographer at my wedding.

This assignment was the first time that I had actually explored photos using tags and groups. To me it is all a little overwhelming considering how many photographs there are on this site. There are some amazing photos however which makes my photos look so bad. It is interesting though to see what others are doing.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wetpaint Wiki

I just created my first wiki and it was really easy. I loved the way it was so easy to set-up. I just started off with the very basics, but I want to go back and play with it. Of course there is very little content right now, but I am hoping that there will be more soon. I have invited the librarians that I work with plus some IT people to join in and help me create the content.

I think that this will work great in my case because I am a librarian that is at a satellite campus that is 80 miles away from the main campus. I do meet with the other librarians once a month and we do email, but this wiki will give us a chance to collaborate on a daily basis without having to email documents, phone long distance, meet via ITV, etc. I am hoping that I will actually feel more connected to everyone.

Now the biggest problem will be to get my co-workers to actually use this site. It is not necessarily that they are against new technology, it is just that everyone is spread a little thin these days. This is one of the technologies that I never thought I would actually use, that I am now excited to begin using.